TDR Renovation Update

We're thrilled to share the latest progress on the renovation happening at the Terrace Dining Room (TDR). Our team has been hard at work and making significant strides towards creating a better dining experience for you. One of the major milestones we've reached is the commencement of fireproofing for phase 2 steel beams. This crucial step ensures the safety and stability of the renovated space, laying the groundwork for a secure dining environment. Electrical and plumbing rough-ins for phase 2 are progressing steadily and fireproofing for this phase is at 40% completion reinforcing safety measures throughout the facility.

Production is underway for the exhaust and supply ductwork, a vital component for improving ventilation within TDR. There is significant headway with sawing of the concrete slab (40% complete) and wall and soffit framing (25% complete), shaping the layout of the renovated space. Finally, we're pleased to announce that the demolition of phase 2 areas is nearing completion, currently standing at an impressive 90%. This clears the way for the next stages of construction, bringing us closer to our goal of reopening TDR in the fall.

We're proud of the progress we've made so far, and we're committed to delivering a revitalized TDR. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work towards reopening TDR in the fall.

Stay tuned for more updates on Dine on Campus or @americanudining !


TDR Renovation Progress


Phase 2 Progress